The Nintendo eShop is slowly filling with content allowing you to make the most of your Nintendo Switch. However, as has always been the case with videogames, Japan is receiving a number of releases which are not available in western territories. Switch Streamers has therefore prepared this handy guide to help you obtain some videogame titles that might otherwise remain forever out of your reach.
How to Set Up Your Nintendo Switch for the First Time
Just got yourself a Nintendo Switch? Great! Welcome to the party! You’ll soon be able to jump straight into playing the likes of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8: Deluxe, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap and much more. But before that however, you’ll want to go through the set up process and get yourself a Nintendo ID sorted. Switch Streamers has you covered with a guide on how to do just that.
A Guide to Browsing Facebook on Your Nintendo Switch
Nintendo’s online services are famed for being behind the curve, and the Nintendo Switch is no different. Despite internet browsers having been made available during the lifespan of Nintendo DS, Wii, Nintendo 3DS and Wii U consoles, the Nintendo Switch has launched without any such software. There is, however, a way to browse Facebook without the need for a standardised browser.
How to Install a microSD Card on Nintendo Switch
The Nintendo Switch is rapidly gaining in popularity, and with that comes a larger catalogue of videogame titles. With more software options available you’ll likely find that the included storage capacity will be running low very soon, but the Nintendo Switch does provide the option of installing a microSD card for additional capacity. Switch Streamers is here to show you how.
How to Create and Share Nintendo Switch Screenshots
Much like the PlayStation 4 before it, the Nintendo Switch includes a button dedicated to the social element of videogaming. Players are able to capture a moment in time of their experience with a single push of a button, but what lies beyond that? Switch Streamers has prepared a handy guide to help you get the best out of social sharing for the Nintendo Switch!
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